
Flame Crystal Drills Set of 4 – Rd/Sq Set #1


Set of all four Flame color shifting drills.
Now packaged 3 gross per screw top jar (approx 432) plus a few for good measure for each color.


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Flame drills are made of superior quality glass with an an amazing internal color shift. In addition, these drills are cut to match the diameter of a round drill (2.8mm) or can be used to replace a square drill (2.5mm) yes you can place a round peg in a square hole!

***SQUARES*** will be Round drills sized for Square diamond Paintings. This drills are a cut glass and can ONLY be made in the round shape. Please see the FAQ page for a picture example

The shifting colors, on these drills, are amazing.

Vernal Flame brings to mind colors of Spring – greens, blues, pinks, purples
Rainbow Flame is full of Summer rainbows – red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple
Autumnal Flame  captures Fall leaves and camp fires – reds, oranges, yellows, magentas
Twilight Flame is Northern Winter sunsets – deep blues, pinks and purples


Weight 0.025 lbs

Round, RD sized for Square