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Set of Metallic Drills

Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $50.00.

Set of 30 Metallic colors in large Jars
$65 Value for $50

Metallic Drills – Sample Set

Receive 30 colors in this Set of Metallic drills.

Available in Large Jars with a minimum of 1000 drills per color. Jarred sets come in a clear acrylic case. The jars have screw top lids and the color name labelled on the bottom.

What are Metallic Drills?

Add beautiful shine with “Metallic” Drills. A chrome like finish mimics the appearance of metal on the drill.

Where can I use metallic drills?
Enhancing with metallic drills offers an excellent chance for embellishment without altering the color with the irridescence of an AB or the glitter of a Fairy Dust or Glitz drill. The shine will bring attention to any area of the painting so start with any area that draws your eye. Here are some examples:

  • Any where that you would find metal – think eye glass frames, runners on a sleigh, gold threads or jewelry.
  • Any shiny surface – Christmas ornaments, windows, water.
  • Something that would sparkle and you want to draw attention to – fireworks, stars, flames, flowers.
  • Anything you want!

Metallic round and square drills are the same shape and size as what you find in your diamond painting kits. They have a chrome like finish for high reflection. Square drills will have a combination of square and argyle pattern facets to reflect the light in multiple directions. Round drills contain either a rhinestone style or quilted facet formation.

How do I choose?

You know you want them! This leads to the question of which color to choose. First, determine what color in your diamond painting you want to replace with metallic drills. Then, see which color most closely matches your standard drill. By having a complete set of colors, you can easily see which would be the best match.

This listing is for a set of 30 colored Metallic Drills

What if I can’t find the right color?

There is a very limited range of colors currently available so you may not get a perfect match. That’s ok – customizing your diamond painting means allowing your creativity to express itself and in many cases, especially when using a specialty drill enhancement, a change of color or tone is acceptable.

How many drills do you need?

If an inventory sheet was not provided with your diamond painting telling you the exact number of drills used, don’t worry! Small standard bag contain about 200 drills. Large standard bags contain about 500 drills.

Colors may vary from photo and dye lot. Please review our FAQ page for more information.

Weight 0.025 lbs

Jars, Bags


Round, Square